Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Fellowship of The Ring - J.R.R. Tolkien

I really liked this book, I am half way done with it, because it is a huge book filled with amazing descriptions of every place the four Hobbits went.  I first watched the movies and I, personally, thought that they were amazing.  They captured the magic and darkness and every emotion and sense they felt, it made it feel like you were there. However, after reading only half, I now realize that the movies were nothing compared to the book's, like always, so much of the story was left out or changed.  The one thing I like most about all of the Lord of the Rings book's was that Tolkien created this complete universe that you can almost walk around in, its not like one book, or even the Harry Potter series where there's Hogwarts and Hogsmede.  No I mean an entire world full of rich detail that you can search until you heart is content. Any who if this didn't make you read any of the books, read them to prove me wrong then.


  1. I liked the movies too, but I've never read the books. Maybe I'll give 'em a try!

  2. The movies were good for movies and the music, but the books were so much better! Glad you realize and appreciate that!
