Sunday, March 30, 2014

My LIFE in one POST

Well today should be the best day of every week better than Friday because there's is school, as a slice we will look at why each day is why it is in my life.

Sunday - today is the only day I can have sleep over due to the fact that I have early mourning skates on Saturday. I have to get picked up at like 9:30 and none of my friends want to wake up that early, even I who hates sleep. The reason I have to get picked up so early is because I have to go to Sunday School for my Jewish stuff. This forms a block because it takes up the most vital hour, most sleep over go through twelve and occasionally I would go and see a movie with someone. But by twelve people have already made plans and I get screwed over. Finally I get home and realize I have to do all the homework I "forgot" to do on Friday and Saturday 

Monday - one of the biggest work days of the week, I usually do specimen today that way I forget about it over the week. I get a good amount of stuff done because tonight I don't have much time because I have ultimate, dinner and get no computer after nine. Now that hockey is over I don't have practices which sucked because I would get picked up from ultimate/basketball and then go straight to hockey and get home at ten thirty. Now I really don't hate Mondays that much but they still are better than Tuesdays

Tuesdays - arguable the worst day of the week compared to all the others. I have no work time and if my matrix's aren't good than I feel like I have wasted a day. So far I have had okay, last quarter I had mouse trap vehicle and printing which were both enjoyable but I had mourning math. Math isn't bad it just isn't work time, we do fun stuff and learn really cool things though. I have ultimate today as well so I get home later but I get a good amount of homework done tonight because I remember how I did nothing last night which remind me to not procrastinate.

Wednesday - Today is a good day we have a long meeting which is nice and then buddies which is really fun. My buddy is Alex and his sister is in my class and me and Alex email each other which is fun. I then have about two hours of good work time before lunch. Something that I did not cover is that lunch plays a large role, the company that does our food switches it up but basically we get "American" on Mondays, "Mexican" on Tuesdays, pasta on Wednesday, weird "Asian" food on Thursday and then Pizza on Friday. Today the lunch is okay. After lunch I have a little bit of work time and then math, today I have to stay in extended care which is a drab for thirty minuets. In those thirty minuets I become four square king. I go home. Not much work other than a brief glance at the challenge and looking YouTube videos my friends have been talking about.

Thursday - I have a little more work time and the matrix's all you think about is that tomorrow is FRIDAY, you have a sack lunch and then more work, math and then its Friday. For me a day starts at the end of that day unless it's a holiday or its Friday or Saturday. See Friday starts at three thirty on "Thursday and goes until about nine thirty on Friday, then Saturday Starts at four thirty Saturday and goes until I go to sleep on Sunday mourning. Sunday starts at nine thirty Sunday and goes until ten on Sunday and then Monday starts when I wake up.

FRIDAY - the king of all days, the two hours a lot gets done, most of the unit as well as the challenge and random other things. The second half people have no clue what they are doing and walk around in a trance. Lunch comes and you know you are getting close, you try and work through the next hour by not looking at a clock but every thirty seconds you glance up and notice that thirty seconds has gone by. Then Max tells us to clean up and bells go off in your head, your in the home stretch, you walk around with paper in your hand to make it look like your doing something until enough people sit down at the couch for it to make it look like you could be done with you cleaning. Talk about something and then leave, you make a run for the car, you open the door throw your backpack down and drive away with the cool breeze in your face. Go home and cram as many Infected and Team Deathmatch games in before you get picked up by your dad and then have to go to sleep at nine thirty.

SATURDAY - Wake up at 4:30, have an egg and watch whatever TV show is on, go to skating where I skate and catch up on all of the hockey "gossip." Then I go and get a Poppy seed bagel with bacon, egg and cheese all toasted at Brugers where I will occasionally see Shae and her husband after their personal trainer thingy. Get dropped off at my moms house and play X-Box for a while, then I will maybe go to a friends house or go to practice either mine or my sisters and then come home and watch a movie or play more xbox, then I go to sleep at like two on Saturday and realize my weekend is almost over.

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