Friday, March 7, 2014

What to Write

What to write, right now I am kind of hitting a little bit of a writers block. Right now I really have no idea what to write about, I honestly have no clue. Right now I am literally going through my mind searching every corner of it and, nothing. I can't even make something up right now I am just blanking, it is like there is a void that has opened up in my mind. 

I have to go to bed really soon because I have to go to practice soon, so lets talk about procrastination. I know no one person who can say they have never procrastinated ever. I am not talking about not doing a three week project until the last day. I am talking about people who the moment they get home they do homework and nothing but homework until they are done.

I have been working on this problem but when I get home I sit down get an apple or just sit and look out the window. I don't remember a day when I got home and went straight to work, even when I knew I was loaded with homework.  It has to be something you are born with because I feel that you cant cure procrastination but only live with it.  


  1. I hate it when that happens. By the way, I think everyone has done a SOL about this. ;)

  2. Writer's block is a fact of life for all writing. Good job of just writing something, which is a great first cure for it. And funny how writer's block can turn into procrastination so quickly :)
