Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Play

Yesterday I went to the AS play. I was really surprised at how good everyones voices were, especially Max D and John W. I had never known that they had really good voices, I had just kind of overlooked them. I also thought that the background for the play and all of the houses were really well done. 

I did not think that any songs were catchy, the only one that was close to getting stuck in my head was the Cookie Cookie Cookie song. My favorite song was Adian's solo, about him taking off his shell, also it was geta load of Toad. The costumes were really well done, and I thought it was just a great play overall.


  1. You would be great critic. :)

  2. It's always fun to find out that someone you know actually has a great singing voice. Just one more reason to like them.

  3. It was a great play, I think. I agree about the Cookie song. I am fond now of jumping around saying, "Cookie, cookie, cookie." Probably much to the annoyance of those around me :)
